Mechanics Homework Help
Mechanics is one the most important subject in physics and is concerned with the analysis of the action of forces on matter or material systems, design, construction, and use of machinery or mechanical structures. Nature of mechanics deals in the relationships between matter, force, energy also with the action of forces on bodies and with motion, kinetics, statics, and kinematics. Motion of material objects is also studied under Mechanics. Classical or Newtonian mechanics deals with objects and motions familiar in our everyday world. You have seen a ball fly in the air or a bicycle tire spin. distinct from mechanics, whether classical fields or quantum fields.
Those systems that are large enough can be adequately described by the Newtonian laws of classical mechanics; in this category, for example, are celestial mechanics and fluid mechanics. Aristotle, studied mechanics and a number of other ancient Greek scientists, and their ideas dominated Mechanics through the late Middle Ages, Archimedes approach was quite modern in comparison to scientists. Modern mechanics dates from the work of Galileo, Simon Stevin, and others in the late 16th and early 17th century. By means of experiment and mathematical analysis, Galileo made a number of important studies, particularly of falling bodies and projectiles. In 1905, Albert Einstein showed that Newton's mechanics was an approximation, valid for cases involving speeds much less than the speed of light; for very great speeds the relativistic mechanics of his theory of relativity was required.
To explore it and defining it as related to our day-to-day life, some examples are shown below:-
1. An example of mechanics is the distance it takes for a car going 30 mph to stop.
2. An example of mechanics is the detailed process to get a person elected.
It can be classified into the following main categories:-
1. Classical field theory
2. Classical mechanics
3. Dynamics
4. Fluid mechanics
5. Quantum mechanics
6. Statics
7. Statistical mechanics
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